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Acoustic levitation allows small objects, like droplets of liquid, to float. Unless you travel into the vacuum of space, sound is all around you every day. But most of the time, you probably don't think of it as a physical presence. You hear sounds; you don't touch them. The only exceptions may be loud nightclubs, cars with window-rattling speakers and ultrasound machines that pulverize kidney stones. But even then, you most likely don't think of what you feel as sound itself, but as the vibrations that sound creates in other objects. The idea that something so intangible can lift objects can seem unbelievable, but it's a real phenomenon. Acoustic levitation takes advantage of the properties of sound to cause solids, liquids and heavy gases to float. The process can take place in normal or reduced gravity. In other words, sound can levitate objects on Earth or in gas-filled enclosures in space. Because religion and culture are such strong influences in the decisions people make, there isn't always a clear right or wrong choice. A method of hunting th­at one person finds unfair might be perfectly just to someone who has different beliefs. The biggest argument in favor of the "unfair" hunting methods is safety. Proponents believe that canned hunts can reduce accidents because hunters are aware of each other's positions. Public hunters have no way of knowing if another sportsman is hidden in the nearby brush. Safety is also a piece of the defense for Internet hunting. But the main argument in favor of Internet hunting has to do with the rights of the disabled. While animal protection movements don't always agree with this argument, they do recognize it as a consideration. Overall, there is not an abundance of information specifically defending these methods, but there are arguments that defend the individual rights of citizens. iran protests

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